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Need some help customizing an existing website template

fullcircleideasfullcircleideas subscriber Posts: 1
Hi all,
I`m new to SUN, but have spent the last few hours on it just reading around. (very impressed!) Anyways, I understand my question is similar to some that have been asked before, but please bear with me.
Background: I currently have a website template that I am ready to customize for my own personal photography website. The template is a combination of Flash and HTML and I have a few different PSD files for the template. Overall the website is decently simple.
Now the question is... has anyone taken a template like this and did a complete edit through Photoshop using the PSD file on their own? If so, would you recommend it? (Im intermediate Photoshop / Dreamweaver)
Ideally, I do not have the patience to spend a lot of time on this portion of the website and might just want to hire someone. So second question is: Has anyone had a similar template situation where you hired someone (not the template company that charges really high rates) to customize the template for you? If so, costs, and maybe referrals if you have them. ( I recognize elance as a possible option, but referrals through SUN would be appreciated)
Thanks in advance


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    starrhornestarrhorne subscriber Posts: 0
    Hi there,If you`re just wanting some simple changes (colors, font size, etc) and it`s a well-built template, then it shouldn`t take more than a few hours for a professional. If lots of new graphics / flash need to be created, that`s going to drive it up a little.The key to getting the best deal is to know exactly what you want. Make a list. If you know photoshop, make a few mockups.  That way the person you hire can check things off one by one.
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