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Why Spend Money for Barcodes

brennerwbrennerw subscriber Posts: 2
edited November 2012 in Business Planning
This question is in regards with the UPC/EAN barcodes we need to have in order to sell our products in USA. I have saw a lot of barcode vendors selling barcodes for as high as $100, Why on earth will someone buy barcodes at this expense when there are lots of free barcode generators available online? I may be wrong here, just want to save my money, can some expert clarify this?


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    morganfmorganf subscriber Posts: 0
    Though the idea of using free barcodes generators to generate barcodes sounds great, be cautious while doing this! First of all you need the barcode graphics in EPS format, and only few free barcode generators can provide you EPS barocodes. I have tested many free barcode generators and none of them passed through the barcode scanner, which made them worthless! And most important reason, you still have to get the upc/ean number issued by GS1! If you are a small business owner and cannot afford the GS1 fees then just check some barcode resellers online, and get your barcodes from a reputed and experienced barcode vendor. This will save your time and money!
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