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Essential Qualities of a Good Facility Manager

QuickFMSQuickFMS subscriber Posts: 36 Bronze Level Member
edited August 2016 in Business Planning
Facility managers have a tough job. They are responsible for the upkeep of buildings, and it is they who oversee the operation of equipment, supervise the staff, and schedule tasks and repairs. They manage special projects and are responsible for waste reduction, maintenance of energy efficiency, carrying out safety inspections, ensuring sustainability, and a lot more.

Tech Savvy
facility managers need to be an expert in facility management software, as the former generally does not have time to educate themselves on the latest developments, and will rely on his facility manager to keep the facility on firm technological ground.

Analytical Skills
Analytical skills are also required to help facility managers make the most appropriate decisions according to the organizational needs and budget.

The facility manager pursues the plan and takes remedial steps when disruptions occur, as he needs to ensure that the organization achieves the targets and objectives it has laid out.
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