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Serving on non-profit boards and committees!

MrLiquidityMrLiquidity subscriber Posts: 2
edited September 2008 in Public Relations
I have found that offering my time to non-profits pays big dividends.  Not only do you get to meet some of the "Big Players" in your community, but you are also making a difference in your community. 
Here is a quick story:  I decided to serve on a committee for a local non profit that has decent visibility.  One of the fund raising events that I worked on was sponsored by one of our local TV stations.  Due to their involvement, I met several reporters and staff of the TV station.  Lo and behold, two months later, I was asked to do an interview as a "resident expert" on financial matters. 
I never anticipated my involvement in a charity resulting in a TV spot, but that`s what happened.  Do any of you have stories like this?  What are some things that gave you great exposure when you were least expecting it?
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