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Looking for business parters

torturemuseumtorturemuseum subscriber Posts: 2
Hello everyone,
We provide a new type of entertainment business 'Torture Museum' and we're looking for business partners who can help us in spreading it. It presents an exhibit of Medieval Torture instruments. The exhibit comprises theme scenes with human-like figures that were made due to brand new technologies. The product also includes a gift shop and a specially designed tent. At the moment it is successfully running in Eastern Europe. As such theme always attracted lots of visitors all over the world we're interested in spreading it. This entertaining project will be a good fit for placing it in tourist attractions. Any ways of cooperation can be discussed. We're ready to lend or sell our current exhibit. Moreover, we have possibility to produce several duplicates at the same time.
You're welcome to visit our website http://torturemuseum.net/en/mainpage-en/
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