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Powerfull tools for customer support

live2supportlive2support subscriber Posts: 1
edited December 2015 in Marketing
Live2support live chat support has emerged as a go-to solution for live customer engagement to improve customer loyalty, customer satisfaction and drive online sales; it is also accepted as a recognized mean to provide real time customer support and a touch point for online customer community. As a valued hosted live chat service it can be integrated with website in few minutes without bothering for technical hassles.

Live2support(https://www.live2support.com/) also makes live chat efforts more effective and profitable through proactive and auto chat invitation, chat routing facility, co-browsing, snapshot, canned responses, push URL facility and its comprehensive real-time reporting system. Its service tools are designed to offer ultimate flexibility, customizability and total compatibility with your website. Our system provides multiple layered data privacy and security in the cloud with multiple locations backup. It is powered by 24*7 personal support and dedicated success managers.
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