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Starting a Mixology events company!

OLDFashionedOLDFashioned subscriber Posts: 1
edited October 2015 in Business Planning
Hi there everyone,

Hope you are all well and this post finds you well.

I am in the process of starting up my own premium events cocktail service company in London,

We will supply top of the range barman and some of the most creative cocktailas in the industry. Enabling events to be unique and luxurious each time when and where our clients want. In order to get my ideas up and running i have applied to a startup company for a loan and i am in the process of building a buissness plan for them to eventually get a loan and launch.

This is where i was hoping to get the help from the public to fill out a quick questionare to help with company feedback and visual proof of this. Its short about 12 questions and on average take only 6 mins to complete!

We are a small startup so don't have much to give you guys as thank you for answering for us, but if your interested drop us your email or contact and we will be sure to send something special as soon as we can

Link : https://oldfashioned.typeform.com/to/YDrN2p

all the best and thank you in advanced

Thank you

Old Fashioned London
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