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University Startup World Cup

vlad1vlad1 subscriber Posts: 3
edited June 2015 in Marketing
The University Startup World Cup will take place in Copenhagen, Denmark from 14-18 September and is open to all University Students.

The University Startup World Cup gathers the most promising student startups in the world and brings them together for one intense week of development and networking.

This is a unique opportunity to do some serious networking and work full-time on developing the idea. Furthermore, all teams will be offered a one year Booster Pack program, granting them access to knowledge and services that will help the teams move forward with their ideas.
One week in September

For one week in September, 50 top teams from around the world will be gathered in Copenhagen to develop and present their ideas, explore the Scandinavian start-up scene, meet with investors and finally compete to be voted the best student startup in the world.

Please follow the link to read more and sign up as a participant or as a jury member:

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