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Inventory Forecasting

thecashbagthecashbag subscriber Posts: 1
edited November 2014 in Business Planning
I run a monthly eCommerce product subscription service. It's one of those "monthly box" services where each month users pay for a surprise box of goods.

It's all run through WooCommerce. Each of the products I eventually combine into a box is loaded separately into WooCommerce so I can track their specific inventory levels. Then each month when a customers subscription is due it randomly builds a box of products for them based on certain criteria such as:

1) Product weight
2) Product category
3) Past history of products sent to that customer. Customers should never receive the same product twice. So it chooses unique products each time by tracking past products history.

Based on this criteria, I'm looking for a way to forecast my future inventory needs.

I need something that will look at current inventory levels, number of subscribers, and where they are within the subscription cycle (i.e. how many customers have run out of "new" items to send them).

It should tell me which products I need to re-order, and what type of new products I need to source. Something like: "You need to re-order products A,B and C. And you need to source X amount of new products for category Y and X amount of new products for category Z to satisfy next months orders."

Can anyone think of something that would help? Extra points if it can display inside of WooCommerce
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