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Dealing with co founder disputes

darkhorsedarkhorse subscriber Posts: 1
For the most part my partner and I work well together, however I find that if a dispute is about to get out of hand, he threatens to 'cancel the project', leaving me in limbo. Trying to salvage the project.

Today, for example we had a petty feud over a business meeting we arranged. I was unable to make it due to unforeseen circumstances, he kicked up a fuss and threatened to pull the plug. Eventually after apologising several times, along with begging/pleading for him to not do so, he agreed to stay.

I was however extremely unhappy at this, and became extremely worried that he will try and capitalise on this opportunity by using it as a way to have the upper hand on any future disputes.

I am protected by an IP agreement. So, after we settled the above dispute, I told him that he will be unable to do this, as it will have to go through the lawyer first for mediation. He is yet to get back to me, as I had only sent this message recently. Was I right to remind him of the contract?

We have a meeting on wednesday involving a 3rd person, and I am on edge right now on whether this will happen or not. It looks like it is going ahead, but he is not giving me a lot of reassurance i.e. telling me the venue etc.

Finally - he is generally an awkward character, as talented as he is, I often do find that he isn't very reliable because he likes to do things on his own terms. So when he does have a fit like this, I find it annoying given that the effort I have put into the project.

So I have the following questions:

1) What is the best way to handle him, without giving too much power to him? I don't want us to end up going into a situation where he highlights every little thing.

2) If he does decide to cancel the project, will I be able to carry it on without him? With his shares being transferred to me, given it was his decision and not a joint one?

3) Generally with awkward business partners, what is the best way in dealing with them, so that manage them properly. I feel like the guy is a bit of a ticking time bomb in some ways.

My overall goal right now, is to get the project released. 90 percent is done. So if it fails over a petty co founder dispute, I will be really upset.

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