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15 Signs of Stress and How to deal with it

Luis WeilandLuis Weiland subscriber Posts: 1 Member
edited January 2021 in Well-Being

Stress is a fact of life, and while we can't eliminate stress, we have control over how we respond. Avoid unhealthy coping strategies like turning to junk food or alcohol to quell anxiety. Exercise or do whatever relaxes you, whether that is solving a crossword puzzle or spending time with your family and friends. Today, it's easy for work to follow you home. Our phones can keep us chained to the office if we don't set clear boundaries.

Here are 15 signs that you are stressed:

1. Headaches

2. chronic pains, aches, muscle tensions

3. Low appetite 

4. Frequent Sickness, Colds, Infections

6. Changes in Libido ( Loss of sexual desire and/or ability )

7. Digestive Issues/ Upset stomach (diarrhea, constipation, nausea)

8. Depression

9. Rapid Heartbeat and chest pain

10. Sweating

11. Insomnia

12. Low energy

13. Troubles focusing 

14. Isolation 

15. Unproductivity 


Realize where the stress is coming from, transform it into knowledge, 

learn from every situation ( 95% Mindset, 5% Action)

Time pressure: Capacity planning for the team 

Too much input solution: In the morning concentrated working, no questions, appointment in the afternoon to answer all questions 

Organized thoughts-> no more stress

First the most important task, then the next task, one after another 

( laser-sharp focus) To-do lists help against stress, ticking off over the day and see the results in the evening -> Good feeling

More things you can do to regulate your stress levels:

  • Regular breaks / Better time management 
  • Set priorities
  • Get independent employees
  • Gather the right people around
  • Do financial acquisition 
  • Take vacation regular 
  • When there is a stress peak, take a day off
  • listen to relaxing music you like ( make a playlist) 
  • easy digestible food
  • exercising ( works best against stress if done 3+ times per week )
  • Deep and good sleep makes you more resistant to stress 

Practicing mindfulness/ meditation techniques has become one of the best ways to deal with stress. Meditation, which is the practice of bringing yourself back to the moment over and over again. Meditation can also reduce the areas of anxiety, chronic pain, depression, heart disease and high blood pressure. An experienced teacher can be helpful but isn't absolutely necessary. Ultimately, if you can focus on your breath, on the present moment, or on any one thing for a while, you can now meditate.

It does often take some practice, however, and some people find it difficult to "get it" in the beginning. Meditation also requires a little patience and may be difficult in the beginning.

If your interest in meditation has grown now, consider reaching out to me. I have great expertise in this field and I'm helping pople to master it.


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