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no contact name envelopes.

bejamshibejamshi subscriber Posts: 4
edited August 2008 in Marketing

I have a mailer to go out for my marketing promo but i do not have contact names, only addresses

have a mailer to go out for my marketing promo but i do not have
contact names, only addresses, what would be the best way to name the
receiver on the envelopes.
I have thought of putting, Attn: Business owners or Marketing managers.
I need something that will entice them to open the envelope.


  • NateStockardNateStockard subscriber Posts: 0
    What are you mailing?
    Be creative. If you are mailing something to dog owners, address it to Scruffy. Mailing to new homeowners about pest contracts, address it to bugfighter.
    I am a big believe in creativity, especially when you don`t have a formal address. It gets more attention than Business owner, marketing manager, etc. Those look like form letters, and although my suggestions do to, they are unique enough to spur some interest.
  • bejamshibejamshi subscriber Posts: 4
    That is a great suggestion. I am mailing an introductory letter about my graphic design services to different businesses.
  • NateStockardNateStockard subscriber Posts: 0
    Maybe you could address it: part-time designer, Design Do-It-Yourselfer, or something like that.
    The idea is that the people you are mailing to do their own design now, but could really use your design services.
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