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Using Keywords to Set Marketing Direction

MarketeerMarketeer subscriber Posts: 2
edited February 2007 in Marketing
The Wall Street Journal had a great article in the Marketplace section this Tuesday about companies using keyword information to determine customer needs and interests. For example, knowing that your customers are searching for a specific product on your site, or coming to your website through specific keyword searches are a great way to know what customers are looking for.
My company has had some good experience with this in the past. By watching customer searches, we knew that customers were in need of business card templates and we launched a business card template page in response.
I`m going to be digging deeper into customer`s searches over the next few weeks, but wanted to get some examples from others who have taken the same approach before doing so.
So, what have you seen with your business and your websites? Have you had success following the customer`s lead? I`d love to read about it.


  • Options
    ChuckChuck subscriber Posts: 6
    This is a vital activity for any business with a web presence - site searches in particular help you tap that "database of intentions" that can tell you both a) what your visitors are looking for and b) possibly what holes exist in your offerings.
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