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Mastermind Groups: Should You Join One?

DaleKingDaleKing subscriber Posts: 141
edited June 2007 in Marketing
I was recently contacted by a big name marketer to join a Mastermind group he was putting together.
While flattered by the invitation, I politely declined.
Why? Because I`m an independent thinker, and I`m a contrarian.
I`ve never been into the group thing. I`m a lone wolf and I like it like that.
Does that mean I oppose Mastermind groups? Absolutely not.
Napoleon Hill, author of the 1937 classic "Think and Grow Rich," came up with the idea of a "Mastermind Alliance."
A mastermind, by Hill`s definition, is a "coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people for the attainment of a definite purpose."
Hill further states, "Economic advantages may be created by any person who surrounds himself with the advice, counsel and personal co-operation of a group of men or women who are willing to lend him wholehearted aid, in a spirit of perfect harmony.  This form of co-operative alliance has been the basis of nearly every great fortune.  Your understanding of this great truth may definitely determine your financial status."
Do I think Mastermind groups are a good thing?
For most people - absolutely!
Following are just a few advantages to joining a Mastermind group:
* Motivation and Support: You`ll have a motivating network of support, training, advice, troubleshooting, inspiration and challenge, from a network of trusted associates.
* Marketing: Discover how to truly understand your product or service, and your target market and how to reach and motivate your potential clients most effectively.
* Sales Skills: Learn the ins and outs of sales training and pyschology, and use it to your advantage in your business.
* Time Management Skills: Discover how to be more effective with your time. Learn how to spending more time concentrating on your strengths, as opposed to your weaknesses.
Here`s what WAHM superstar marketer Nicole Dean of showmomthemoney.com said in her article, How can an Online Mastermind Group Help Your Business Grow?
"An online Mastermind group is where you are joined with success-minded people as well as coaches who provide resources who directly answer your questions.
In a good Mastermind group, you`ll find people who take their business seriously. Think about it. If  the other members are willing to invest money to be there, you know they want to learn. Their business is not treated as a hobby. The members are dedicated to their businesses and work hard to achieve success.
How can an online Mastermind group benefit you? As you may know, in sports, having a good coach will increase your chances of success. Also, the players on your team can make or break your game. If you play on a team with players who are mediocre, your game will remain mediocre. If you join a team with better players who take the game seriously and you add a a great coach, your game will improve as well -- significantly."
So how can you find a Mastermind group to join?
I suggest visiting the various Internet marketing forums and talking to the members of those forums to see what Mastermind groups they belong to.
You can also type the phrase "Mastermind groups" into your favorite search engine, and find potential groups to join that way as well.
In closing, when selecting a Mastermind group, be sure to do your due diligence and check them out carefully.
Always remember the #1 rule of consumerism - caveat emptor - let the buyer beware!
 DKing2007-6-16 8:27:56
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