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Debate: How IMO Businesses Should Present Themselves

cardilioncardilion subscriber Posts: 1 Member
How In My Opinion Businesses Should Present Themselves. I am looking for a cool debate here!

There are four main pillars when it comes to writing about your business or your product.

First Pillar: Show How Your Product Is an Investment

First, you must show your customers how your product is not an expense, but rather an investment. This concept applies whether they are looking to sell landscape design services or to sell new clothes. You must show your customers that they are not just wasting money on flowers, but that they are rather investing in increasing the value of their property.

Moreover, you must show your customers that they are not just buying more clothes than they need, but that they are actually investing in enhancing their social status.

Second Pillar: Show How You Care

The second pillar of writing good copy is to show your customers how you care about them. This concept applies whether they are looking to invest in a skin rejuvenation treatment or to invest their money in your portfolio management services. You must show your customers that your spa truly cares about their well-being. Show them the emphasis that you put on their comfort and the extents that you will go to ensure a stress-free environment.

Moreover, as a financial advising team, you owe yourself to show your investors that their financial success is what drives your business. Show them that if they don’t win, you don’t win.

Third Pillar: Show How Your Product Helps

The third pillar of writing copy that converts is to show your customers how your product will help them. Show them how your product or your company is their ally, and that your main goal is to help your customers reach their own goals. This concept applies whether they are looking to invest in a culinary robot because it helps them save time, money, or other resources.

Show your customers how the culinary robot helps them save time by enabling them to multitask. Show your customers how the culinary robot helps them save money by enabling them to invest in a single device that replaces all other expensive devices. Show your customers how the culinary robot helps them save food, thus enabling them to reduce waste, be eco-friendly, and save more money.

Fourth Pillar: Show How Others Are Already Benefiting

The third pillar of writing good copy is to show your customers how others are already benefiting from your products or services. Show your customers how other people, just like them, are benefiting from investing in your product. Show your customers how other people are benefiting from an increase in their property value or from an enhancement in their social status.

Show your customers how other people, just like them, are benefiting from trusting you taking care of them. Show your customers how other people are benefiting from an increase in net worth by creating an alliance with you and by aligning their goals with yours.

Show your customers how your products or your company will help them. Are your customers looking to invest in a product that helps them save time, money, or other resources? Show your customers how you truly are their ally and how you are helping other customers reach their own goals. Show your customers how you are genuinely interested to help them solve their problems and reach their goals.

‘Showing’ vs ‘Telling’

You will notice how I talk a lot about ‘how to show’ your customers that they should invest in your product. I am not really referring to ‘how to tell’ your customers about all the good reasons to buy your product. Why is that? What is the real difference between ‘showing’ and ‘telling’ something to someone?

The answer is simple: ‘showing’ sells while ‘telling’ does not. People don’t want to be told what to do – even when doing so would be to their advantage. Customers want to be lead in the right path and want to be lead to reach their goals.

‘Showing’ customers how they can truly benefit from your products involves the use of imagery in the copy. Imagery helps customers truly understand the impact of their investment. By using imagery, you are enabling your customers to deeply understand the meaning of their investment. By using imagery, you are engaging your customers’ senses. You are gently guiding them toward realizing how great your product really is.

Customers are interested to invest in your products or services because they are looking for your help to reach their goals. By using imagery, you are painting a portrait with words. You are painting your customer’s portrait of their future selves. You are using imagery to portray your customers having invested in your products and being happier than ever for reaching their goals.

By ‘showing’ your customers how your products will benefit them, you are using imagery that taps into their subconscious. The subconscious mind guides the customers’ purchase behaviour just as much, if not more so, than their rational mind. A copy that is based on the four pillars and that uses imagery converts.
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